We propose a synthetical statement of the main working criteria which have led to the drawing up of the plan.- Emphasizing of the north-south axis already pointed out by Schinkel with the building of the Altes Museum- Leading of the Unter den Linden boulevard into a square marked by a forest of linden trees, creating a “tree wall” effect as spatial terminus of the boulevard- Definition of the historical settlement of the Castle by means of a double row of treeDenial of the autonomy of the single architettura subject against the critical-historical reconstruction of the urban fabric carried out as follows:- restoring of a medieval town planning scheme inside the Spree island area (former Foreign Ministry Building - a town in town)- restitching of spaces and màsses outside the island area througha) new definition of road alignmentsb) construction of new buildings with the typical morphology of Berlinese architetture ot the nineteenth centuryc) reconstruction of some existing buildingsd) insertion of public green areas- Emphasizing of the historical relationships between the city and the Spree river thorugh the digging of new canal passing through the island- Preservation of sites and buildings of historical interest- Creation of underground parking lots, accessible and conneeted by the Gertrauden Strasse. The road becomes subterranean and is the main access to the new public and private sites of the island- The whole island area becomes pedestrian z